Thursday, 18 December 2014

Sustainability and Transcendence in Business

I've circulated this extra post to let you know that I've published a book on Amazon for Kindle called, Sustainability and Transcendence in Business.

It’s a short book (13,000 words) to help businesspeople (and everyone else) transcend the influence of money and serve their communities. It distinguishes capitalism from free trade generally, to explain how businesses should offer worthwhile goods and services and not be driven by the profit motive towards manipulating markets and manufacturing popular desire and addiction for anything that will sell. Based on the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth, three issues from the Sermon on the Mount key to business are considered: integrity, relationships and society.

Some of you will know that I've spent much of this year collating my financial capability teaching into a book but this isn't that book. I thought that I'd nearly finished that book last week but then, as I re-read a draft I planned to circulate to friends for comment, I realised that the chapter on coveting was inadequate and had to be re-written. I then felt the need to lay the draft aside until after Christmas.

The book I've now published is a revision of one I produced for All Souls Church 18 months ago, as part of the Money-Ed personal financial education project that I ran from All Souls Clubhouse Community Centre & Church. As it's intended as an evangelistic book for a different primary audience to the book I'm still working on, I thought that people might find it helpful. It also gave me some useful practical experience of publishing for Kindle.

I wanted to make Sustainable and Transcendence in Business available as a free book but discovered this is not an easy thing to do. I therefore priced it at the lowest possible price, which is US $0.99. It should therefore be available around the world at less than £1 or €1.

I will gladly send to anyone who wants it a free PDF version of the book and copies of the illustrations I used. I will also explore publishing the book on other platforms.

I would be very happy for people to adopt any of the material in the book for their own use, as long as they don't misrepresent my own views.

If you are able to, please purchase the Kindle book and then feel free to rank it (up to 5 stars) and leave an honest review. I would also appreciate feedback, especially if you think that I've misunderstood any of the Bible passages mentioned.

Philip Evans