Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, ‘Come out of
her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues;
for her sins are heaped high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities…’
Revelation 18:2-5
My third
reason for expecting an economic catastrophe is the description in Revelation
17 & 18 of the fall of Babylon, a global economic system – the ultimate
consumer society. We looked at this in detail in the series, Babylon and the
Beast, earlier this year and I will not repeat it here.
Babylon is looked on by many as the first capitalist society and the Babylon in
Revelation, referred to in the passage at the start of today’s Reflection, is the
culmination of generations of money-love, a system that is a ‘haunt for every
evil spirit’ and trades ‘the bodies and souls of men’.
your view of Revelation, Babylon is symbolic of a financial system so corrupt
that faithful Christians should separate themselves from it. That is why God
calls on his people to leave it. The danger is clear: whenever Christians have
remained part of an corrupt, wicked system, they have suffered along with
everyone else when it has collapsed.
capitalist, consumer society is ultimately unsustainable; our debt economy
must, at some stage, reach a point where the collective imagination of people
needed to create still more debt is bound to falter and fail. Moreover, I cannot see God - the God who makes his concern for the poor clear in the Bible - ignoring the evil it accommodates and the injustice it creates for ever. So it must fall, sooner or later.
content to live as consumers in a consumer society, whatever their religious
belief, will be caught in the collapse. God may have blessed them, they may
have enough for their needs and for most of their wants and they may be
generous with the rest. They may tithe and give to good causes. But if, for the
most part, their attitudes, aspirations and activities follow the consumer society’s
pattern, their situation is precarious.
next weekend, and continuing each day through Advent, I plan to explore how to escape Babylon's influence, using St
Paul's guidance about how we should make lifestyle choices. His teaching builds on what
Jesus of Nazareth taught about a lifestyle based on love for people. Paul wrote
for Christians living in the Roman Empire, where idolatry was commonplace, and
I think in capitalist, consumer societies today we face the same
challenges living in the shadow of the great idol that money has become.
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Copyright © All Souls Clubhouse Community Centre & Church and Philip Evans
quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright
© 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by
permission. All rights reserved.
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